All Booked All Booked All Booked 1257 Busy Bee Ladies’ Craft Night 2025-01-16

Busy Bee Ladies’ Craft Night

January 16, 2025 From 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
2025-01-16 00:00 2025-01-16 00:00 America/Anchorage Busy Bee Ladies’ Craft Night

Who:            All Adult Ladies When:          Friday, March 8                       1:00 p.m. until you want to leave Where:         PPBC Fellowship Hall   Please come to our first Busy Bee Craft Night!  If you need a night out to catch up on some projects or just fellowship with your sisters in Christ, then this is the night to do it!  Dinner will be provided, and there will be a craft ready for you to try (supplies included).  Come anytime you can make it.  We’ll have things set up by 1:00 p.m. and dinner will be at 6:00 followed by a short devotional.  You can stay all through the evening or as late as you like.  Please RSVP here on the website or on the sign-up sheet at church. What to Bring: ~ Your personal projects to work on (sewing, scrapbooking, knitting, etc.) ~ Snacks to share   Click Here to RSVP >>> Printable Invitation / Flyer >>>

Who:            All Adult Ladies

When:          Friday, March 8

                      1:00 p.m. until you want to leave

Where:         PPBC Fellowship Hall


Please come to our first Busy Bee Craft Night! 

If you need a night out to catch up on some projects or just fellowship with your sisters in Christ, then this is the night to do it!  Dinner will be provided, and there will be a craft ready for you to try (supplies included).  Come anytime you can make it.  We’ll have things set up by 1:00 p.m. and dinner will be at 6:00 followed by a short devotional.  You can stay all through the evening or as late as you like.  Please RSVP here on the website or on the sign-up sheet at church.

What to Bring:

~ Your personal projects to work on (sewing, scrapbooking, knitting, etc.)

~ Snacks to share


Click Here to RSVP >>>

Printable Invitation / Flyer >>>