The 7th through 12th grade teens enjoy many opportunities to get together and encourage one another! Not only do they get to worship together in our regular church services, but they tend to get together throughout the week as good friends like to do. Check out the church calendar for the next activity’s date and time. Don’t miss out!
SNAC (Sunday Night After Church)
On the third Sunday of every month (unless otherwise announced), the teens get together after the evening service for food, fun, and fellowship. They meet with Pastor Schrepfer and Rebekah for a short devotional, a game, and some food.
Summer Camps:
The teens have opportunity to attend three different camps at Higher Ground Baptist Bible Camp. They enjoy fellowship with teens from ABA churches across the state whom they’ve met at camp and other church functions. These are exciting and precious times for the teens to make friends who will spur them on to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24).