The Pioneer Peak Baptist Church Women enjoy several opportunities for fellowship and service. Please contact the church office or send us an email through this website if you have any questions, and be watching the calendar and announcements for more details.
Ladies’ Bible Study:
All adult ladies are welcome to join us for an in-depth monthly Bible Study. The next study will be on Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. We are looking forward to the 2021-2022 season as we study the Word with our Pastor’s wife, Rebekah Schrepfer. The Bible Study this year will be “Climbing Higher: Overcoming Spiritual Obstacles”. The study will be in connection with the monthly Sew N Craft day. So join us all day or just for part of the time enjoying the fellowship and time to work on our projects. But be sure to come for the Bible Study at 7:00 p.m.

Sew N Craft

Once every month, ladies of all ages love to bring their sewing projects and other crafts to work on. The ladies share ideas and wisdom and blessings as they work with their hands to better their homes. Be watching the calendar for the next one!
Ladies’ Retreats:
Pioneer Peak ladies enjoy two retreats each year with other ladies of the Alaska Baptist Association at Higher Ground Baptist Bible Camp in Sterling, AK. The Crafter’s Retreat is a laid-back time when when we encourage one another around God’s Word and complete our projects being distracted only by the snack table. The Fall Ladies’ Retreat is a great time of fellowship and are spiritually challenged by the speaker.

Prayer Chain
Every member of Pioneer Peak has the privilege of prayer, and the ladies have maintained a vigilant and organized prayer chain for many years.