February 14, 2021
The Emergency Covid-19 Disaster Declaration expired today, February 14, 2021. (Source)
August 1, 2020:
There are no state-wide or Mat-Su Borough mandates in place at this time. All former mandates remain recommendations.
Click here for the latest updates bout Phase 3/4 from the governor’s office about the “Reopen Alaska Responsibly Plan.”
May 24, 2020:
Dear Church Family,
We are thankful to God for the continued positive reports concerning the Covid-19 crisis. On May 24, 2020 we will be resuming the evening services, and on Sunday, May 31, 2020 we will resume Sunday School again. We will be mindful of the sanitary and social distancing recommendations all the while.
Click here for the latest updates about going to Phase 3 from the governor’s office about the “Reopen Alaska Responsibly Plan”.
May 8, 2020:
Dear Church Family,
Today I am writing to let you know that we will be resuming limited public services on Sunday, May 10! While things will temporarily be different than they were before the pandemic, it will be worth it just to be together! We will be seeking to fulfill the Lord’s mandates as well as honor our civic leaders in the following ways.
Starting on May 10, we will be holding one morning service at 11:00 AM, allowing for time before and after the services for cleaning and sanitizing the building. Because of the need to social distance, every other pew will be closed, and everyone in attendance will be asked to maintain minimum separation of six feet between others in their pew who are not in their immediate household. The same standards of social distance will need to be maintained as people enter and leave the building. The state of Alaska has encouraged the elderly and those with compromised immune systems to remain at home, and so we understand if you need to do that. At this time, we do not have an online streaming church service. I recommend listening to and watching sermons at Faith Baptist Church in Smithville, MO (www.FaithBaptistSmithville.org).
I know all of this won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. Be aware of the following details as well:
1. The building will be thoroughly sanitized before and after services.
2. The auditorium entry doors will be propped open, and a volunteer will open the exterior door for you as you enter and leave.
3. Consider taking your temperature before attending and wearing a face covering while in the building.
4. Hand sanitizer will be available, but everyone will be encouraged to bring and use their own. Handwashing can also be done in the restrooms.We will not be offering any children’s ministries at this time, including nursery.Offering receptacles will be available at the back of the auditorium rather than passing offering plates.
5. Potlucks and other meals will not be conducted until restrictions are lifted in this regard.
6. Communion will be served on June 7 using the sanitary means as suggested by the DHHS Guidance.
7. Services will end with an orderly dismissal, enabling us to social distance and fellowship outside.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting will also resume in the auditorium on May 13, at 6:30 PM. There will be no Summit Bible Club class or nursery, but children may recite their verses to Mrs. Schrepfer while at church.
While this is a long list, it isn’t exhaustive. This should give you a good idea of how we plan to begin to meet again. You are probably wondering about additional services. We are hoping to begin an evening service once again starting May 24, but it will depend on continued guidance from our elected officials and how well things go with our morning services. Returning to holding all our other normal ministries is not likely to happen until the governor declares the state of Alaska to be in Phase Five. We pray that will occur sometime this summer.
Finally, I want to remind our church family to be gracious in response to the many decisions that are being made in relationship to this pandemic. I have appreciated the way that some of you have expressed your love and support to me during these challenging times. Remember, none of our leaders are perfect or omniscient. Time will reveal which decisions made by both elected and spiritual leaders were wise, and which ones were unwise. Even in our church body there are numerous opinions that range from one end of the spectrum to the other. Wherever you land on that spectrum, I trust that you will respond graciously to others that may not agree with you. Romans 14 provides us with great principles to practice when we disagree with other believers. Be sure to read it and practice its principles.
Feel free to email or call me if you have any questions about the plans. Continue to pray for one another. Lord willing, we look forward to seeing you soon!
By His Grace,
Pastor Schrepfer
In compliance with the Reopen Alaska Responsibility Plan, any person with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 may not enter the premises.
April 25, 2020 ~ Click here for the latest updates from the governor’s office about the “Reopen Alaska Responsibly Plan” Since we are a church of more than 20, Pioneer Peak Baptist Church continues to pray for our state and local government that we may move on to Phase 2 and then Phase 3 and beyond as quickly as possible so that we may return to in-person church services.
March 28, 2020 ~ Due to the current shelter-at-home Health Mandates, there will be no in-person church services or activities until further notice. Sunday Sermons and Wednesday Night Devotionals can be viewed here on the website in the mean-time.
Please pray for our church, our government leaders, and our country at this time of uncertainty. God is still on the throne! Please check your email or on this website for updates and on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights for a sermon from Pastor Schrepfer!
March 18, 2020 ~ Due to the current recommendations of no groups over 10, there will be no in-person church services until April 1. This could change depending on how this virus plays out. Please pray for our church, our government leaders, and our country at this time of uncertainty. God is still on the throne! Please check your email or on this website for updates and on Sunday morning for a sermon from Pastor Schrepfer!